Sunday, August 30, 2020

Seasonal FLU


Battle the “FLU” Now!!

Seasonal FLU!! “ Stay Away From This Peculiar Bug” 

By – Manjula Banerjee



onsistently running like a clock, we encounter the notorious influenza season. Researchers work eagerly investigating the story behind Influenza and how we can avoid this bug from spreading.

Flu is a viral disease condition triggered by viral strains of influenza that affect your nasal area occupying your throat and occasionally lungs. It may cause moderate to severe diseases which may often cause death. An ideal approach to forestall influenza is by getting an influenza vaccine every year. 


Flu Season is upon us…….



Flu intensity is elevated throughout the nation and seems to continue this trend for several months. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) keeping proper track of the transmission of infection on its seasonal influenza site.


How Many of you are likely to get trapped by the Flu and get Sick every Year?


In 2018, as per CDC report, the level of the United States population affected with Influenza employing two distinct approaches and contrasted the results, both methods have comparable results, indicating that, on an average, approximately 5-20 percent of Americans were ill with Influenza per season, varying among 3% to 11%, depending on the season.

A characteristic manifestation of Flu……


Flu can induce moderate to severe disease, which can often cause death. Flu is distinct from a mild cold one. Influenza is unique concerning a virus. Influenza ordinarily goes ahead unexpectedly.

Individuals who have frequent influenza feel a few of these side effects……. 

• Sense of fever/shivers

• Coughing

• Swallowing throat 

• Drippy nose or blocked nose

• Spasms in muscles or body aches

• Migraine, Sluggishness

• Exhaustion

• Some individuals may have regurgitating and loose bowels. However, this is more normal in youngsters than grown-ups.


"It must be noted that not everyone having flu is expected to have a fever."


Beat the flu bug…..

It has been reported that the virus life cycle depends on the environment as well as the process of dissemination. Even then, there is ample space for such an infection to survive for minutes, sometimes over an hour, before it leaves your body.

With no more doubt, this crisis is deteriorating each year......

Stage one of counteraction is understanding what we're battling against… ….In 2018, an examination was released about the seasonal infection and how long it had the option to endure once it spread outside of the human body through contacting, hacking, and sniffling.


Prevention Is A Bit Lower Expensive than medication……



The absolute most ideal approach to forestall seasonal Influenza is to get vaccines every year. Apply hygiene practices like maintaining a strategic distance from individuals who are sick, covering your mouth while coughing or washing hands can help stop the spread of germs and forestall respiratory illnesses like Influenza.


"There are several antiviral medicines for flu used to cure and avoid flu."


The tips and assets beneath will assist you with finding out about moves you can make to shield yourself as well as other people from influenza and help stop the spread of germs.

Ø  Avoid interactions……. With those who are sick. Until you're ill, maintain a distance from others, and keep everyone from being infected, as well. Prefer home staying while you're sick.

Ø  Where needed, remain at home…….. Stay away from work, school. It will help forestall spreading your disease to other people. It would hopefully avoid the transmission of the disease, among others as well.

Ø  Remember your Nostrils and mouth region should be covered........ With cloth as you sneeze or cough. It might forestall people around you from becoming ill. Influenza and different genuine respiratory ailments, like respiratory syncytial infection (RSV), viral diseases, and COVID-19, are transmitted through coughing, sneezing, or messy hands.

Ø  Clean your hands……..
Washing your hands will help protect you from germs. You can even use an alcohol-based hand rub instead of soap.

Ø  Stop rubbing your nose, eyes, or lips……. Germs are frequently spread when an individual contacts something that is defiled with germs and afterward contacts their eyes, nose, or mouth. 

Ø  Other great wellbeing propensities need to be practiced…… Clean and purify contacted surfaces at home, work, or school, mainly when somebody is sick. Get a lot of rest, be genuinely dynamic, control your depression, drink a lot of liquids, and eat nutritious food.


"Contemporary preventive practices, including non - pharmacologic interventions (NPIs), were measures, rather than vaccine or medication, that people and communities can adopt to help reduce viral spread, like flu."

Prohibiting Flu at the workplace and schools......

·         At School premises….. 

§  Try to find more regarding the student's future, childcare learning, or university arrangements including a  flare-up of influenza or another sickness happens and whether influenza inoculations are offered nearby.

§  Make sure your youngster's school, kid care program or school routinely cleans regularly contacted items and surfaces, and that they have a decent flexibly of tissues, cleanser, paper towels, liquor based hand rubs, and dispensable wipes nearby.

§   Ask how debilitated understudies and staff are isolated from others and who will think about them until they can return home.


·         At Workplace…….


§  Examine the employment plans, if a flare-up of influenza or another disease happens and whether influenza inoculations are offered nearby.

§  Routine cleanup of often contacted articles and surfaces, including door handles, consoles, and telephones, to help kill germs.

§  Make sure your working environment has a sufficient grace of tissues, cleanser, paper towels, liquor based hand rubs, and expendable wipes.

§  Train others on the best way to carry out your responsibility so they can cover for you on the off chance that you or a relative becomes ill and you need to remain at home.

A quick bag-up!

Personal attempts to avoid the transmission of this infection, which may be lethal to high-risk populations, are the safest and smartest route to battle the flu annually.


“Prevention is better than cure.”

When Birds Take NAP


When Birds Take Nap? You Might be Surprised!!

Have you ever been surprised!! What happens to winged creatures (birds) at sunset? Where do they migrate? Where do they get busy? Do birds ever take a rest?

By – Manjula Banerjee


he appropriate response is yes…….. However, it's somewhat more chaotic than that. Winged creatures have a few strategies for when they have to get a little closed eye. Look at a portion of these beneath!

Birds generally search for a few spots to rest, including empty dovecotes, canals, fireplaces, and tree holes. The only place they don't sleep in their own nest. If the bird's babies fled the nest, it is always inappropriate to sleep. It covered with pieces of fruit, urine, nematodes, or other clutter. In comparison, just after a challenging job of fostering and feeding the hatchlings, the nest is sometimes torn and disintegrated.


Where Birds Go At Night!!

Birds can appear to be wherever during the day, fluttering among trees, scavenging on the ground, visiting feeders, and roosting on the available stick, post, or wire. Anyway, where do every one of these birds heading in dark?

Nocturnals and daytime Creatures...…..

Most flying creatures are diurnal, which implies they are generally dynamic during the day, yet they commonly rest around the evening. Nighttime birds, for example, owls, frogmouths, nighthawks, and night-herons, are generally dynamic during the night. They rummage, chase, care for their young, trim, and do different exercises essential for endurance in the most obscure night hours.

Passerines, waterfowl, sea birds, gulls, yet most raptorial birds are all daytime flying creatures, then what do birds do even if they're not active?

Birds Nap types!!

As most species that engaged throughout the day, birds' primary nocturnal behavior is resting or sleeping......

Winged creatures pick how they rest cautiously to guarantee they can get by as the night progresses, and they have specific procedures that help give them caution about predators or shield them from the components. 

Birds perching boxes ……  Many feathered creatures pick holes specifically to perch in around evening time, which keeps predators from simple admittance.

These equivalent holes additionally cover them from unusual climate situations and may incorporate them to perch boxes or void dovecotes. Obstacles, thick bushes, and tree coverings are other primary perching spots.

Swimming fowls or wading birds…… for example, herons, egrets, and flamingos will rest remaining in water or on an island. The sprinkling sounds and wave vibrations of a predator coming toward them through the water goes about as a moment notice framework if there should arise the risk.

Ducks, geese, and other waterfowl…… will coast on the water to rest, which gives them a similar commotion alert framework that swimming flying creatures exploit, giving them a superior preferred position of numbers on the off chance that a predator draws near.

Little birds Nap up in the forest……… Usually next to the tree trunk.

The tree bark retains the warmth during sunny days to provide more shade, and birds can easily recognize any sound or vibration that rodents create when they ascend the branch in pursuit of food.

How amazing!! Do these flying creatures never tumble off their roost as the rest? 

It is far-fetched that perching feathered creatures will tumble from their roost, at the point when the birds’ places weight on its feet, the leg muscles power the feet tendons to contract, holding the legs tightly on the branch. It gives these winged creatures a too-tight grip around any unit it might be lying on, so they don't sneak off.


Resting on winter Nights……

Freezing winter presents additional difficulties for birds around the evening time. At the point when temperatures plunge, the resting bird can be vulnerable to lack of coordination, winter bites, or other harmful situations; however, these flying creatures have adjusted to rest soundly even on the coldest evenings.

Many flying creature species, most remarkably hummingbirds, can enter a condition of lethargy while sleeping. It brings down their internal heat level, eases back their digestion, and monitors vitality to endure colder temperatures around evening time.

These flying creatures generally have different techniques that keep themselves warm…….. also, on chilly evenings, they lighten their plumes (feathers) to make better air pockets to protect themselves from low temperatures.

Mother birds shield their babies in winter to protect them and make them comfortable irrespective of whatever the climate is. 

No matter where they rest and what the temperature might be, they still take action to ensure that they live up for another day!! 

Few other Nighttime acts!! 

Although resting has been the most famous overnight practice with most birds, it is not the only stuff that birds do at nighttime. Varies with the time throughout the year, birds may sometimes function to draw partners or move to a better region within the nighttime habitat.

Birds who are the Nighttime singers …….

Birds who sing at nighttime signal their domain at a point whenever there is a fewer atmospheric disturbance or their voices could notice at extreme distances. It will both dissuade rivals and also draw a partner.

Nighttime Migrants!!

Few nighttime flying (diurnal) birds interrupt regular rhythms of movement to travel mostly during the evening rather than daytime. It helps birds to reap the benefits of the same paths used by prey birds.  

“However, daytime might be an ideal opportunity to watch most winged creatures. Understanding where they go around evening time can help birders with bettering acknowledge how flying creatures endure and find a way to satisfy even the little feathered creatures stay each night.”

Support these birds to have a decent night's sleep……

Napping may be dangerous for birds, leaving themselves highly susceptible to prey. Birdwatchers can enable all flying creatures to get a decent night's rest, be that as it may, with a few quick moves.

Ø  Construct a bird-friendly habitat……. That provides perfect protection for resting, including a bush pile, like small coniferous forests, or bird nesting cages.

Ø  Avoid domestic cats or other animals…….. That may endanger nesting birds, and also defend bird cages & nesting sites boxes against rodents.

Ø  Offer nutritious, fresh produce……Should be calorie-rich, for example, sunflower seeds, nuts, so birds can achieve a lot of vitality to get by through long, cold evenings.

Ø  Blow out external lighting….... It might disturb birds and interrupt their regular sleep habits or bring prey to sleepy birds.

“Knowing whether birds nap not only highlights how amazing these winged creatures are, but it also instructs birdwatchers how to support more birds flourish with healthy, peaceful dreaming.”


Hardly any break for the plumed ones!!!   

These flying creatures are in a lethargy condition, and will in general, stay in for a nap with little grabs until alarmed wakeful either by a savage danger, neighbor, or cold conditions. 

With such a tremendous amount to stress over—the cold, predators, boisterous neighbors—how do winged animals get a decent night's rest? 

 Few birds can even lay down with an opened eye.......  As half of their cerebrum conscious and the other is unconscious. It is considered as Unihemispheric Slow-Wave Sleep (USWS) which enables the sleepy bird to get a move on from rest if a danger draws near while as yet having the option to acceptably rest if no threat emerges.


Water flows and ducks are incredibly popular, although other species, like peregrines or Eurasian Blackbirds, may do this anyway.

“ Birds that utilize this adaptation strategy may rest when flying!”

Migratory birds can often depend on USWS to sleep ... Long transit movements of several birds may not provide multiple opportunities to pause to sleep. But a winged creature utilizing USWS could both rest and explore simultaneously.


You'll be amazed to learn that the Alpine Swift can travel endlessly for two hundred days, sleeping while still in the air!!

Crocodile Tears

‘Crocodile Tears’ Fake or Genuine!!

“Whenever someone pretends to be upset, they weep "tears of crocodiles," a term that stems from an ancient misconception that animals weep when chewing.”

By – Manjula Banerjee


o cry fake tears is to show untrustworthy regret. This articulation originates from the way that crocodiles cry when they feed on prey. A conviction started hundreds of years back that crocodiles catch their prey by sobbing, and afterward grab the animal in their jaws and make a treat of it. Even though we have set up that crocodiles produce tears, obviously they don't cry - that is a misconception. So, where does the possibility that crocodiles generate tears of disingenuous sorrow always originate? It is hard to follow the cause of this specific myth, yet it's anything but difficult to perceive why it has gotten so mainstream. 

For a supposedly relentless species, as in a crocodile, to genuinely cry for its prey, is an unforgettable tragedy that influenced significant imagination and produced an expression that is still common these days. Surprisingly, they are sometimes informed to "cry" throughout the meal. You could understand that anyone would suspect the croc of fake feeling when they saw the creature weep over a meal that killed.

Butterflies keep licking crocodile tears…...

Exploration by researchers at the butterfly garden in Costa Rica has demonstrated the way that fake tears are authentic. After the investigation of analysts, it revealed that it made them wonder about both the butterfly and the fake tears! 

A hostage crocodile seems to be crying a few tears. Have you at any point discovered tears gushing in your eyes in any event, when you're not in sorrow, perhaps when you've eaten some tasty food or were having a sniffling attack?



Bioexpedition!! Moving towards reality now…….

It starts turning out that it isn't much farther-fetched, the crocodiles drop blood on their perpetrators' remains. They have a psychological justification for a gesture that has nothing to do with a display of artificial sentiment. Dampness gathers in their eyelids and the long run spills out and trails down their face like a tragic comedian.

Surprisingly!! Why does this happen only during munching?

It isn’t easy to test. Add to that the reality they are frequently in water, and whether their eyes are wet gets significantly more challenging. Nonetheless, specialists directing an investigation in 2006 prepared seven crocodile species to move to dry taking care of a station and afterward recorded their reactions. Furthermore, as per shreds of evidence, Five out of the seven species observed shedding a tear while chewing.

" Order of  Crocodilia incorporates crocodiles, gators, caimans, the gharial, and the bogus gharial."

Researchers were unable to figure out the reason behind Crocodile's heaving, puffing, murmuring, and blowing sound they make while eating. It might be due to the air pushing through their sinuses and vital organs to cause overproduction of tears. They additionally wonder. If it happens because of shaking head by crocodiles while feeding on prey, that makes the tears spill out. 

Interesting!! Is there Crocodile’s emotions behind catching their prey?

In any case, there is no reason to imagine that perhaps the crocodile has any degree of personal reaction towards its capture.

In reality, Crocodiles break down in tears. These drops of tears are mainly compositions of proteins or minerals. These weeping drops help keep their eyes clean alongside it and grease up the eye membrane of nictitating film. This membrane is an additional transparent eyelid present in numerous creatures. Kurt Vliet, a scholar in Florida, witnessed weeping crocodiles and alligators who had also instructed to eat on the ground at a crocodile farm.


An investigation started in light of an inquiry from a neuron specialist, managing an uncommon human issue known as "Fake Tears Syndrome," in which victims shed tears while eating due to facial nerve harm. Vliet didn't examine crocodiles since they are excessively light-footed and forceful, yet caimans and alligators are close family members. He just took a gander at seven creatures, yet of these, five noted as crying while at the same time eating. She said, "I wouldn't criticize the possibility that he chose to never endanger his health by gathering more details. However, I believe the topic can still utilize some more analysis!”

The reason behind tears in crocodilians is indistinct. They murmur a great deal while eating; thus, something to do with sinuses may be enacting the tear organs. However, they likewise shed tears just from being ashore for some time, regardless of whether they are eating. Researchers considered whether the tears would help with water balance, yet they have not had the option to discover anything on this. Regardless, regret, real or something else, doesn't appear to be a probable cause for fake tears. However, once more, the subject could profit by more examination.

Butterfly Behavior…… 

The butterfly alluded to with the reference is its Julia butterfly (Dryas Julia). This splendid orange butterfly is mainstream in butterfly gardens since it is seemingly perpetual and dynamic for the day. Female Julia butterflies drink nectar, yet they additionally called Julia, visit wet spots like mud puddles to procure salts and minerals, which will, in general, be in limited amounts in the tropics.

The male supplies these supplements to the female during mating. Dirt-pudding had found in different types of creepy crawlies and other hosts. As per researchers, they think that a specific butterfly was that an environmentalist named Carlos de la Rosa, situated in Costa Rica, caught a Julia butterfly and a honey bee on video tasting and composed a short paper on it. How significant and pervasive tear-tasting is among butterflies and different creepy crawlies is as yet obscure.

Initially, Biologists figured out that the Julia butterfly was peculiar to feed off the crocs' cries. Although then they found that they are an illustration of other bugs performing things similarly, and also that crocodile tears are only one container of liquids in a wine cellar comprising the necessary nutrients and minerals. Perhaps weeping crocodile tears would imply something a little more like "offering background for a tale which is more complex than you would have expected."

Admittedly, sometimes crocodiles get legitimate tears once in a while.

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